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Veolia Philadelphia and Maxi-Therm Partnership

The following post was shared by Tricia Marts, Director of Account Management at Veolia North America:

Veolia is the third largest utility in the country that makes steam. The plant in 1990 became a co-generator that produces both electricity and steam. Veolia has over 41 miles of underground distribution network in downtown Philadelphia. Veolia heats over 500 buildings in downtown Philadelphia, which includes the universities, the hospitals, commercial buildings, museums, and apartment buildings.

Veolia Philadelphia is excited to announce a partnership with Maxi-Therm to show people District Energy Steam is more efficient than people think. Maxi Therm is a vertical heat exchanger w/95% efficiency with a completely closed loop. There is also power generating capabilities with the Practical Steam motor. 5,000 mlb/hr can produce up to 100 kw of electricity.

Below are the benefits of Maxi-therm:

* 0% flash

* NO steam PRV

* NO safety relief to roof

* NO condensate receiver pump

* NO vacuum breaker

* Less Maintenance cost

* Energy savings of over 5.4% up to 20%

* 50:1 turndown

* Smaller control valve

The picture below shows a conventional control, everything circled is eliminated with Maxi Therm. Veolia is reducing Philly's carbon footprint.

View Tricia Marts' original post here:

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